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How To Practice Self Care While Traveling: 25 Important Tips

how to practice self care while traveling

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Have you been wondering how to practice self care while traveling? I've got you covered with vacation self-care tips to take with you in 2024 and beyond!

As a frequent traveler who has explored over 40 countries, I know firsthand how stressful it can be to maintain a healthy self-care routine on the go.

But let me tell you, taking care of yourself is crucial not just for your well-being, but also for getting the most out of your adventures. 

I’ve picked up some best practices and insights over the years that have helped me stay balanced and centered no matter where my travels take me.

I have learned to navigate the challenges of travel with ease and grace.

Whether I’m dealing with flight delays and cancellations or inconvenient weather on vacation, self-care has been key to making the most of the journey. 

So let’s dive in and explore how to practice self care while traveling, together!

Key Takeaways:

    • Travel can introduce challenges; neglecting self-care can lead to fatigue.
    • Self-care is more than just a buzzword; it's essential for maintaining balance and harmony during travel.
    • Some ways to practice self care while traveling include planning breaks, staying present, and going with the flow.

Keep reading for all the self care vacation tips you should know about.

When traveling, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of exploring new places and trying new things, but it's important not to neglect your own well-being in the process. 

As fun and exciting as it may be to explore new places, travel can also be exhausting and stressful.

Without taking care of yourself, you may end up feeling burnt out, anxious, or even physically unwell.

That's why it's important to prioritize your self-care while traveling.

Self-care may seem like a luxury that you don't have time for.

But the truth is, practicing self-care while traveling is essential for avoiding burnout.

how to practice self care while traveling

By taking care of yourself, you can make the most of your travels and return home feeling refreshed and energized rather than exhausted. 

So, what does self-care look like when traveling? It can take many different forms, from simple habits like staying hydrated and getting enough rest to more in-depth practices like mindfulness and meditation.

By incorporating self-care into your travel routine, you can reduce stress, boost energy levels, and maintain a healthy balance between adventure and relaxation.

Whether you are heading on an icy Icelandic adventure, a heated Tahiti vacation, or anywhere in between, we invite you to prioritize self-care and join us on a journey of wellness and exploration.

What is Self Care?

Self-care is any intentional action taken to improve your physical, mental, or emotional well-being.

It involves prioritizing your own needs and finding ways to take care of yourself. 

Self care can take many forms. It looks different for each individual. There is no one-size-fits-all approach.

What works for one person may not work for another. It’s important to experiment and find what feels good and beneficial for you.

The key is to listen to your body and mind and figure out what helps you feel balanced, centered, and recharged. 

Don’t be discouraged if something doesn’t work for you. Simply try something else until you find what feels right.

Try at least one of the following 25 self-care practices for your next trip.

Consider whether it is something that allows you to take care of your inner self, and replenish your emotional energy.

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How to Practice Self Care While Traveling

1. Adapt an Attitude of Gratitude

Take time each day to reflect on the things you’re grateful for. This can help you maintain a positive mindset and outlook.

Practicing gratitude is a simple yet powerful way to boost your mood and overall well-being while traveling. 

This involves intentionally focusing on the positive things in your life and being thankful for them.

Things like stunning sunsets, finding unexpected treasures, having a safe and smooth journey to your destination… 

When you adopt an attitude of gratitude, it helps to shift your perspective from focusing on the challenges or stressors of travel to acknowledging the good things that are happening to you.

By practicing gratitude regularly, you may find yourself feeling more content and satisfied with your travel experiences. 

So take a few moments each day to consider the things you are grateful for, and see how it can transform your travels.

Here are some of my favorite mantras that you can use to help you feel thankful while traveling:

    • I am grateful for this opportunity to travel and explore the world.
    • I am thankful for the experiences that this journey is bringing into my life.
    • I appreciate the beauty that surrounds me and the people I meet on my travels.
    • I am grateful for the challenges that come my way, as they help me grow and learn.
how to practice self care while traveling

2. Plan Ahead

Planning ahead can greatly improve your self care while traveling, making your journey smoother and more enjoyable.

One way to plan ahead is to research your destination in advance, learning about the cultures, customs, and languages of the place you’re visiting.

This can help you better understand and appreciate your surroundings and avoid any potential misunderstandings or cultural faux pas.

Another way to plan ahead is to create a packing list and gather all necessary documents and travel essentials in advance, reducing last-minute stress and anxiety.

Packing in advance also can help prevent you from overpacking. 

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    It’s also helpful to plan out your itinerary ahead of time, but allow for flexibility and spontaneity. 

    Be realistic about how much you can see and do in a day.

    This can help you avoid over-scheduling and burnout, while also ensuring you don’t miss out on any must-see sights or experiences.

    By planning ahead, you can prioritize your self-care and enjoy a more relaxed and fulfilling travel experience.

    If planning ahead isn't your thing, I have a last-minute travel checklist for you to check out so you don't forget anything important before your trip!

    With insider itineraries and expert tips, purchasing one of our travel guides can simplify trip planning in advance!

    3. Rest Up for the Adventures Ahead!

    Lack of sleep can lead to a weakened immune system, making you more susceptible to illnesses while on the road.

    Quality sleep is crucial for maintaining good health and preventing fatigue.

    Try to establish a regular sleep routine, even when traveling across different time zones.

    It is recommended to aim for about eight hours of sleep per night.

    I know how tempting it can be to stay up late. Getting enough sleep doesn’t mean missing out on all the fun.

    Not only will you feel more energized and ready for adventure (or more relaxation, depending on your travel style), but your body and mind will thank you too. 

    Getting those zzz’s while traveling can be as easy as making rest a priority, setting up a cozy sleep environment, slipping on an eye mask, and steering clear of caffeine and screens before bed. 

    Getting enough sleep can improve your mood and mental state, allowing you to enjoy and experience your travels fully. 

    Not to mention if you're traveling somewhere with higher altitudes (Cusco is known for it's high elevation), you'll need to take it easy the first couple of days until you're acclimated to the height.

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    4. Spend Time in Nature

    Don’t forget to spend time in nature while you are traveling.

    Being surrounded by trees, plants, water, and fresh air can be rejuvenating and energizing.

    Look for opportunities to connect with the natural world, whether it’s hiking, swimming, or simply enjoying a park.

    It can do wonders for your well-being.

    Some of our favorite times spent in nature:

    Exploring the great outdoors ultimately helps you feel more calm and relaxed. 

    Also, spending time in nature is free in most cases, and excellent for budget travel. #SeeTheWorldSaveADollar

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    5. Stay Hydrated

    Drinking plenty of water helps your body stay healthy and happy.

    Knowing how to stay hydrated while traveling is extremely important.

    When you’re on the go, it’s easy to forget to drink enough water, but your body needs it to function properly.

    This is especially important if you're visiting a hot climate - think Huacachina desert oasis or tropical Caribbean vacation.

    how to stay hydrated while traveling

    I remember my 16th birthday trip to St. Maarten like it was yesterday, even though this was over 10 years ago now. 

    I thought I was going ziplining. But after an intense hike in the sun, I passed out before I could even get started. 

    Being dehydrated can make you feel tired, dizzy, and even sick, which is the last thing you want when you are exploring new places. Take it from 16-year-old Liv.

    Not sure how to stay hydrated while traveling?

    Liquid IV Hydration Multiplier provides faster hydration than water alone and also includes electrolytes and 5 essential vitamins.

    They come in single-serve packets which make them easy to pack on your trip.

    Also, make sure to pack a reusable water bottle and refill it throughout the day, especially if you are in a warm climate.

    6. Choose Foods That Make Your Body Happy

    Your body needs the right fuel to keep up with all the exciting adventures you have planned.

    By choosing foods that nourish your body, you’ll feel energized and ready to take on the day.

    Pack healthy snacks like fresh fruit, nuts, and seeds to help you stay fueled and energized on the go.

    This should keep you from feeling hungry and tempted by unhealthy options.

    Instead of reaching for junk food or fast food, look for nutritious options like fresh fruits and veggies, lean protein, and whole grains.

    Not only will eating healthy help you feel better physically, but it can also boost your mood and mental health.

    Plus, trying out new, healthy foods can be a fun and exciting part of your travel experience! I had never even heard of mangosteen when I went to Thailand. 

    After exploring one of the local markets with an open mind and open taste buds, I found my new favorite fruit. (very exciting, I must say)

    So go ahead, and indulge in the local cuisine, but don’t forget to balance it out with some healthy choices.

    7. Incorporate Breaks Into Your Travel Plans

    Taking breaks is just as important as exploring new places while on vacation. 

    It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of being in a new destination.

    That’s why scheduling in times for breaks is key to practicing self-care

    It gives you a chance to rest, recharge, and take in all the amazing experiences you’ve had so far.

    Whether it’s a quick power nap, a refreshing swim, or just sitting and people-watching, taking a break can do wonders.

    It’s okay to take a break from sightseeing and give yourself some downtime.

    You’ll feel more energized, focused, and ready to take on the world!

    how to practice self-care while traveling

    8. Practice Mindfulness

    Traveling can be exciting, but it can also be overwhelming, especially if you’re visiting a new place.

    That’s why it’s essential to practice mindfulness.

    It involves being aware of your thoughts, emotions, and surroundings without judgment or distraction 

    Mindfulness is all about focusing on the present moment, acknowledging your thoughts and feelings, and accepting them without judgment.

    Take time to tune in to your thoughts and emotions.

    Mindfulness practices like meditation and deep breathing can help you stay sane while traveling.

    how to practice self care while traveling

    9. Bring a Good Book

    Taking some time to read a good book can be an excellent way to practice self-care while traveling. 

    Not only does it give you a chance to relax and unwind, but it can also provide a great distraction from the stress of traveling.

    Whether you prefer to read poetry, a memoir, or a self-help book, immersing yourself in a good story or gaining new knowledge can be a fulfilling experience.

    Plus, reading has been shown to reduce stress, improve brain function, and increase empathy.

    Next time you’re traveling, be sure to pack a good book that you’ve been wanting to read or that inspires you.

    Looking for a good self-help book? Here's my personal favorite > The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

    self-care while traveling

    10. Move Your Body

    Can you read that without singing Nina Sky? Personally, the song is immediately playing in my head.

    But hey, besides the point.

    When you’re traveling, it may seem tough to prioritize some movement during your trip, depending on your travel style. 

    It can be really tempting to skip your workout routine, especially if you’re on a less adventurous vacation full of relaxation. 

    But the time to exercise can make a huge difference in how you feel.

    Moving your body, whether it’s a quick walk around the block, an energetic salsa lesson, or a full-blown hike, can have a big impact on your physical and mental well-being while traveling.

    Not only does it keep your body healthy, but it can also boost your mood and help you feel more energized for the day ahead. 

    Be sure to look for opportunities to move your body and get some fresh air during your trip. 

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    11. Practice Self-Compassion

    Be kind and compassionate toward yourself, especially when things don’t go as planned.

    Remember that travel can be unpredictable, and it’s okay to take things as they come.

    It is natural to feel overwhelmed or anxious while on the go.

    Treat yourself like you would a good friend, with compassion and empathy.

    Acknowledge and accept your feelings, even the difficult ones.

    Take a moment to appreciate and celebrate your strengths, accomplishments, and positive qualities.

    Practice positive self-talk and replace negative self-criticism with self-compassion. Something like:

      • I deserve to treat myself with kindness and compassion.
      • I am capable of handling any challenges that may arise during my travels. I am strong and resilient.
      • I am doing my best and that is enough. I am allowed to take breaks and enjoy my trip.
      • I am proud of myself for trying new things and stepping outside of my comfort zone.
      • I trust my instincts and I am making choices that align with my values and desires.

    Set realistic expectations of yourself and your trip. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to have a perfect experience.

    Experiencing new things and being open to unexpected moments can be even better than a “perfect experience.”

    By practicing self-compassion, you can allow yourself to fully enjoy your trip.

    So go ahead and give yourself some grace - you deserve it!

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    12. Laugh

    Laughter is the best medicine, and a great way to incorporate self-care while traveling.

    Taking a moment to find joy and humor in the experiences you encounter on your journey can have a huge impact on your mental and emotional well-being.

    That’s why I always recommend finding ways to incorporate laughter into your self-care routine while traveling.

    Share a joke with a stranger, watch a funny movie on the plane, or sing karaoke.

    Laughter can help reduce stress, release tension, and boost your mood.

    Don’t be afraid to let loose and have a good laugh while you’re traveling.

    There’s nothing like a good laugh to help you unwind and enjoy the moment!

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    13. Pack Comfortable Shoes

    Packing comfortable shoes is essential for self care while traveling.

    Think about it: when you’re exploring a new place, you’ll likely be walking around a lot. 

    By prioritizing packing comfortable shoes, you’ll be able to walk for longer periods of time, explore your destination more fully, and generally feel better throughout your trip. 

    Choose footwear that’s comfortable for walking and exploring.

    Avoid shoes that pinch or rub, which can lead to foot pain and discomfort.

    Whether you’re walking around a city or just strolling through an airport, having the right shoes can make all the difference

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    14.Stay Organized

    By keeping your belonging in order and having a clear plan for your trip, you can reduce stress and enjoy your journey to the fullest.

    When you’re organized, you can easily find what you need, and you don’t have to worry about forgetting important items.

    Plus, having a schedule and itinerary can help you make the most of your time and ensure that you don’t overexert yourself.

    So, take some time before your trip to plan and prepare, and you’ll thank yourself later for a smoother and more enjoyable journey!

    Who doesn’t love that feeling of being on top of things?

    15. Take Breaks from Technology

    Disconnecting from technology can be a refreshing change of pace.

    Giving yourself time to unplug can help reduce stress and promote mindfulness.

    Disconnect from your devices and enjoy the present moment.

    This can help you feel more relaxed and present during your travels.

    As an American traveling to Cuba, my phone did not work and Wifi was not readily accessible in many places.

    This was actually a blessing in disguise.

    It was the perfect opportunity to disconnect from technology and connect with my surroundings.

    I was able to fully appreciate the beauty of nature and the people around me. 

    Not being tethered to technology and social media allowed me to fully immerse myself in the experience and be more present with my thoughts and emotions.

    It was refreshing to disconnect and take a break from the constant stimulation of technology.

    I felt like I was able to truly recharge and reconnect with myself. 

    Taking a break from technology is a form of self-care that I highly recommend incorporating more often while traveling.

    Instead of staring at a screen, try reading a book, taking a nature walk, or simply enjoying the scenery.

    It’s amazing how much more you can experience when you’re not distracted by a device.

    So, take a break from technology and enjoy the present moment.

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    16. Enjoy Local Culture

    When you travel to a new place, it’s easy to get caught up in the typical tourist attractions and miss out on the local culture.

    But taking the time to explore the local culture can be incredibly beneficial for your well-being.

    It can give you a sense of connection and belonging, and open your mind to new ideas and experiences.

    Plus, trying local foods and engaging in local customs can be a fun and exciting way to create lasting memories.

    When we went to Bali, we visited Taman Beji Griya Waterfall with a local.

    The beautiful surroundings and spiritual atmosphere were truly awe-inspiring.

    It was truly a one-of-a-kind experience that allowed us to connect with the local culture on a deeper level. 

    We felt so peaceful and rejuvenated after participating in the rituals and taking in the natural beauty of the waterfall.

    Immersing yourself in local customs and traditions can be a fulfilling and enriching experience.

    It is a wonderful way to practice self care while traveling. 

    This can broaden your perspective and gain new insights into the world.

    So, next time you travel, make an effort to step out of your comfort zone and explore what the local culture has to offer. 

    You might be surprised at how much it can enhance your travel experience and your overall sense of well-being.

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    17. Treat Yourself

    Indulging in things that make you happy can have a big impact on your well-being.

    You found that cheap flight or cheap accommodation, so go ahead and buy that delicious pastry or book that spa appointment - you deserve it! 

    Traveling can be stressful, and treating yourself is a great way to reduce stress and boost your mood.

    And who knows maybe treating yourself to something new and exciting will end up being one of the highlights of your trip.

    As travelers who typically stick to a budget, visiting the Blue Lagoon in Iceland was definitely a splurge for us.

    But it was absolutely worth it for a little self-care.

    The stunning milky-blue geothermal water was so soothing, and I loved floating around and feeling all my stress melt away.

    That was the perfect way to start our trip. And before we left Iceland, we went to the famous Sky Lagoon, which included a 7-step ritual that was just amazing!

    Even on a budget, sometimes it's important to indulge in self-care to recharge your batteries and keep your spirits high.

    how to practice self care while traveling

    18. Take Care of Your Skin

    Your skin is the largest organ of your body. So of course it plays a huge role in self-care!

    Sun exposure, pollution, and changes in climate can all take a toll on your skin.

    But by taking a few simple steps, you can help protect it.

    Make sure to apply sunscreen before heading outside, stay hydrated, and moisturize regularly.

    Your skin will thank you and you’ll feel more confident and comfortable as you explore new places.

    Give your beautiful skin some love while you travel!

    Here's the best body butter to travel with. Thank me later > Flourish Whipped Mango Butter 

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    19. Take Deep Breaths

    Taking deep breaths is a simple yet effective way to practice self-care while traveling.

    When we travel, we often find ourselves in new and unfamiliar situations that can be overwhelming.

    By taking a moment to focus on our breath, we can calm our mind and body and reduce stress and anxiety.

    Deep breathing can also help increase oxygen flow in the body, improve digestion, and lower blood pressure.

    So take a deep breath in, hold it for a few seconds, and exhale slowly.

    Repeat a few times and you'll be amazed at how much more relaxed and centered you feel.

    Remember, taking care of yourself is essential while traveling (and always).

    Taking deep breaths is an easy way to do it!

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    20. Stretch

    Stretching is a simple yet effective way to take care of your body while traveling.

    It helps to loosen up your muscles and joints after sitting for extended periods on a plane or in a car. 

    When you stretch, you increase blood flow to your muscles, which helps reduce soreness and stiffness.

    Plus, it can be a great way to energize yourself for the day ahead or wind down before bed.

    Don’t forget to take a few minutes each day to stretch your muscles and release tension.

    This can help you feel more relaxed and comfortable during your travels.

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    21. Connect With Others

    Traveling can be a great opportunity to meet new people and form connections.

    Look for ways to engage with locals or other travelers and build relationships.

    This can help you feel less alone and create wonderful memories.

    Talking to others can also help you share your own experiences and emotions, providing a sense of release and support.

    If you’re an introvert (like me!!!), it’s natural to want to limit time spent socializing. But connecting with others is still an important aspect of self-care while traveling.

    It’s okay to prioritize alone time, but don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and connect with those around you, even if it’s just for a little while.

    Don’t worry, connecting with others doesn’t have to mean attending large parties or events.

    It can be as simple as chatting with a friendly local or joining a small group tour.

    So make an effort to socialize during your travels, even if it’s just for a short while.

    You might be surprised at how much you enjoy it!

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    22. Stay Present

    Being present means paying attention to what is happening in the moment, without being distracted by thoughts or worries about the past or future.

    When traveling, it can be easy to get caught up in planning or thinking about what’s next on the itinerary.

    However, taking time to be present can help you appreciate and fully experience the sights and sounds around you.

    It can also help reduce stress and anxiety, and improve your mood.

    So take a moment to breathe, observe, and fully immerse yourself in the present moment. 

    how to practice self care while traveling

    23. Crystal Companions

    Crystals have been known to promote relaxation, boost energy, and protect against negative energies. 

    Whether you’re looking for a calming influence during a long flight, a boost of positive energy during a challenging adventure, or simply a comforting reminder of home, carrying crystals can provide a tangible connection to your intentions and personal energy.

    Some of my favorite crystals to travel with:

      • Amethyst: This purple crystal is known for its calming and stress-reducing properties, making it a great choice for travelers who may experience anxiety or difficulty sleeping.


      • Black tourmaline: This black crystal is believed to offer protection and help repel negative energy, making it a useful crystal to carry when traveling.


      • Citrine: This yellow crystal is associated with joy, abundance, and positivity. It can be helpful for boosting mood and promoting a sense of well-being while traveling.


      • Rose Quartz: This pink crystal is often referred to as the “love stone” and is associated with promoting self-love, compassion, and emotional healing. It can be helpful for travelers who may be experiencing feelings of loneliness or homesickness.


      • Blue Lace Agate: This light blue crystal is said to promote tranquility, calmness, and communication. It can be helpful for travelers who may experience difficulty expressing themselves or communicating in unfamiliar situations.

    Crystals are like little companions that can help you on your journey. They’re easy to pack and carry around with you.

    Why not try bringing a few of your favorite small, lightweight, compact crystals with you on your next adventure and see how they can enhance your travel experience?

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    24. Reflect

    Take time to reflect on your travel experiences and what you’ve learned about yourself and the world.

    This is an essential aspect of self-care while traveling.

    It’s important to pause and process all the new experiences, emotions, and thoughts that come with traveling. 

    Reflection allows you to tune into your inner self and gain insights about yourself that can help you grow and develop.

    It also helps reduce stress and anxiety, and promote a sense of calm and clarity.

    So whether it’s though journaling, meditation, or simply taking a quiet walk, make sure you take some time to reflect on your travels and the impact they have on your well-being.

    Travel Journal Ideas to Help With Your Reflection:

      • What is one thing you appreciate about this place you are visiting?
      • How do you feel physically and emotionally while traveling?
      • What challenges have you faced while traveling, and how have you overcome them?
      • What is something you want to try or experience during your travels?
      • What can you do today to make yourself feel happy and content while traveling?

    Remember, taking care of yourself is essential to have the best travel experience!

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    25. Go With The Flow

    Going with the flow means embracing the unexpected and letting go of rigid plans or expectations.

    This can be helpful in reducing stress and anxiety while traveling and allows for a more relaxed and spontaneous experience.

    Going with the flow can also lead to new and exciting opportunities that you may not have otherwise encountered.

    Our visas to Vietnam did not come in time during our honeymoon.

    This was initially disappointing, but rather than stressing, we immediately found solutions.

    We let go of our original plans of traveling to Vietnam, and unexpectedly ended up in Malaysia and Thailand instead.

    This was an amazing experience filled with new adventures and unexpected discoveries.

    By staying flexible, we were able to enjoy the journey and make the absolute most out of our honeymoon.

    So don’t be afraid to switch up your plans, take a different route, or try something new.

    Sometimes the best things in life come when we let go of our plans and embrace the unknown.

    self-care while traveling

    FAQs: Self-Care While Traveling

    Is traveling a form of self care?

    • While traveling can offer benefits for personal growth and relaxation, it’s not always self-care. Prioritizing well-being and incorporating self-care practices, like taking breaks and practicing mindfulness, can make it a form of self-care. It’s up to the individual to decide if traveling is self-care or not.

    What is self-care and why is it important while traveling?

    • Self-care is any intentional action taken to improve one’s physical, mental, or emotional well-being. It’s crucial when traveling to prevent burnout, reduce stress and anxiety, and enhance overall health and happiness.

    What are some simple self-care practices I can do while traveling?

    • Some simple self care practices include staying hydrated, getting enough rest, practicing medication or mindfulness, taking breaks when needed, and engaging in activities that bring you joy.

    How can I maintain my self-care routine while traveling?

    • You can maintain your self-care routine by planning ahead, prioritizing self-care activities, and being flexible with your schedule. 

    How can I practice self-care if I’m traveling with others?

    • Communicate your needs with your travel companions and set boundaries when needed. You can also find ways to include self-care practices that you can do together, such as going for a walk or finding a quiet spot to meditate.

     What are some self-care practices I can do on a plane or during long car rides?

    • Some self-care practices you can do on a plane or during long car rides include stretching, taking breaks to walk around or move your body, staying hydrated, and engaging in relaxing activities such as reading or listening to music.

    How can I practice self-care if I’m traveling for work and have a busy schedule?

    • Practice self-care by prioritizing your needs and incorporating practices into your busy schedule. This may involve exercising or meditating, taking breaks, and making healthy food choices.
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    Final Thoughts: How to Practice Self Care While Traveling

    In this article, we explored some practical travel tips and insights that will help you stay grounded, healthy, and energized during your travels.

    Practicing self-care while traveling is essential for both physical health and mental well-being.

    By prioritizing your needs and finding the best ways to incorporate the self care tips into your travel routine, you can prevent burnout, alleviate stress and anxiety, and promote overall health and happiness.

    Remember that self-care is not selfish, but rather an act of self-love and preservation.

    So the next time you're going on a travel adventure, make sure to take care of yourself along the way. 

    We hope these tips have been helpful in guiding you on your journey toward better self-care while traveling.

    Found this article helpful? Share it with others!


    About Olivia Taylor-Chew

    Olivia Taylor-Chew from ChewsToExplore is a budget travel blogger on a mission to "See the World & Save a Dollar!" In other words, she enjoys high-value travel for low costs. She and her husband will help you do the same, no matter your travel style or budget!

    2 thoughts on “How To Practice Self Care While Traveling: 25 Important Tips

    1. Sarah says:

      I’m planning a trip for my 30th birthday and will definitely be using these tips. Thank you for all this great advice!

      1. I’m glad you found these tips helpful! It’s really easy to forget about self-care in the midst of all the travel planning. I’m sure your 30th birthday trip will be amazing✨

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